Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Friday, August 20, 2010

Who's that lady?

She looks like such a big girl already! I think Arthur and I are seeing some resemblance to me now, what do you think?

How cute is she in her new hat? Her Great Grandma made this hat for her before she was born. Funny story, she made this hat accidentally too small and was going to unravel it when my dad told her to just keep it as is anyway. She made a second one just like it but a bigger one that would fit a newborn. So it turns out it's a good thing that Great-G made a hat this small because it fits Anna perfectly! Maybe deep down she knew she would come early :)

Daddy had the privilege of changing the little Pumpkin's diaper 3 times today! First for a pee pee, then after he put the new diaper on the nurse helped Anna clean out her bowels a bit if you will, and then after Arthur put on the clean diaper, again Anna let some more poo out. So fun times for Daddy today! Good thing I wasn't on diaper duty, pheeew....dodged a big bullet there today!!

Anyways she was weighed after her explosive episodes and she still gained 15 grams. She is now up to 1446 grams which is 3lbs and 3oz. She's still on 20mls of food and still doing a 6/6 cycle with her si-pap. The only thing they changed was that while she was off of si-pap they didn't have her on the nose prongs with low flow oxygen. They had her breathing all on her own, with no assistance at all for the 6 hours that she was off each time. Which makes sense, because she was very tired today when we got there for the visit. She probably had a really big day of hard work behind her today but they said that she did really well on her own.

It's really hard to see her on that si-pap ventilator, especially after we get to see her without it. It's also tough because it misshapes her face and we noticed today that it also swells up her eyelids a little bit. But hopefully soon she will be off of it, we're not sure when at this point. We've reached a plateau now where things have slowed down a lot so yes it's frustrating because there's not much in the improvement department but it's also a blessing that she's not taking any steps back. She's healthy and that's all we could ever want for her at this point. We look around the room at all the sick babies and we are so lucky that she is doing so well. Sometimes we forget that she is so young still and expect so much of her so we just have to try and be patient as hard as that is.

Here she is sporting her new hat today:

Marta & Arthur

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