Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Oh what a life...

Anna is doing really great today, they decided to keep weaning her off of si-pap but at a different pace. She is now doing 4 hours off of si-pap and 8 hours on continually. She does 4 hours off like it's not a big deal at all so I think they are all optimistic that by next weekend or so she will most likely be off of si-pap permanently. Of course things can always change, but we will remain optimistic with the staff that she can do it by then.

She is still on 19ml of food but she seems to have some reflux and digests the last few mls a bit too slowly so sometimes it comes back up through the tube. That's of course normal for babies this young. Her weight will fluctuate as well for the next little while because her body is working hard to develop strong muscles so she can breathe on her own, therefore burning more calories.

We were doing Kangaroo care today and she was frantically looking for milk so it was really adorable that her innate sense of feeding is so strong. She will do great once her mouth feeds start, I'm positive of that!

We also learned how the incubator temperature works today. I was wondering since every time we are in there, the temperature seems to be different. So we were told that the incubator regulates itself based on Anna's temperature at the time. So if Anna is feeling a bit cold then the incubator will compensate for that by warming her up. Anna will have to regulate her own temperature once her skin is a bit more developed and then she can be transferred to a NICU crib at room temperature.

Great Grandma and Auntie didn't make it today to meet her but I'm sure once she is feeling better they can meet sometime real soon. Maybe Anna will be off si-pap by then and they can see her pretty face!

So right now Anna pretty much just sleeps and eats (oh what a life!) :) Lets hope she gets nice and strong in the next couple of weeks.

Marta & Arthur

1 comment:

  1. Look at the little monkey :) She looks better and better every time I read the blog! I miss that little monkey face.


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