Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Big Day!

What a big day for little Anna! She did so well yesterday breathing on her own for the 4 hour trial, that today they decided to take her off the ventilator completely and give her a chance to show off! She did 8 full hours of breathing on her own! When we left the nurse decided to give her a break since she was getting a little tired so between 8pm until 12am she was back on si-pap. But from 12am until 6am she will try her again without the ventilator and let us know tomorrow morning how it went. They don't want to tire her out too fast but she just really has been impressing them lately so they thought they would give it a try and see how she does.

Daddy was able to do the diaper change today and clean Anna up a bit, he really is a natural at it, but she again, typical self was fighting like a little rascal. She just really doesn't want to be in a diaper :)

They increased her fortification in the milk again as she was gaining weight just a little bit too slowly but now it seems that she gained a TON of weight overnight and is now 1323 grams which is 2lbs and 14oz. That is an increase of 82 grams! She is so close to the 3 pound mark!!

We are so proud of her trying so hard to get better and grow. She really is a little trooper!

Marta & Arthur

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