Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Quick Update

So I've been having some computer problems and trying to manage the videos and pictures we captured today. They were some pretty good ones unfortunately the computer is not cooperating so before I take a hammer to it, I'll just do a quick update from the laptop.

Anna is doing really well today, we managed to get there just in time for one of the diaper changes/weigh-ins. Daddy got to change the diaper and take her temperature and the whole time this was happening, Anna was not on any ventilators and just breathing on her own. Then after the diaper change, I was able to hold her in my arms for about 5 minutes so in total we watched her today not be on any ventilators for about 15-20 minutes. It was really great to see considering that she was just extubated about 2 days ago. We were really amazed with her, she kept up her breathing, she didn't dip, her heartrate was excellent and she wasn't stressed out.

We learned today what the si-pap sort of does for keeps her lungs inflated slightly at all times so that they don't have a chance to fully collapse, therefore making it easier for her to take breaths. So it was definitely a huge deal that she was able to work her little lungs like that for such a long time without getting tired.

She is also gaining some good weight, she is up to 1137 grams now so she is steadily going up. Her feeds are still 15 mL per 2 hours.

I just can't believe we watched her breathing without any tubes etc for that long. She also amazingly didn't have any spells and we had to double check that with the nurse because we thought it was a mistake on her paperwork. Like I mentioned before, she usually had about 5-6 spells per day when she was intubated where she sort of forgets to breathe, usually when she's in a deep sleep. So it's really a great step for her that she didn't have any at all today and she is on si-pap.

I will post some pictures and videos probably tomorrow if we can fix the computer. :)

Marta & Arthur

1 comment:

  1. Oh great news!!! Of course she has done great so far naturally she would excel at this as well. Thinking of her all day and hoping that her little lungs get better and better.


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