Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lil' Miss Cranky Pants

So it's true; Daddy's looks and Mommy's personality :) But I love hearing her complain, the sweet sound that we've been waiting for all of these years.

Here she is complaining and trying to lift her head off of Daddy. She has a tendency to try and lift her head because she thinks she is strong enough to just walk out of the NICU some days. :) Cute....I can't believe a baby this young can lift and try and turn her head.

It was hard but we decided to take the night off from driving today. Arthur is getting burned out fast, with the commute, then working every day, and then commuting to Toronto and back. So that said, there's not much to report today. The nurse mentioned that Anna lost 7 grams from last night but she is still doing good. She's 1431 grams still and taking her 20mls of milk really well. She is also still on the 6/6 cycle with the si-pap and we totally understand them not wanting to push her. She is having about 3 spells per day typically while she is breathing on her own but that's nothing of a big-huge concern.

We also finished Anna's room today, all there was left to do was to stop procrastinating and put the bedding on the crib. It's of course Liam's old room with a few minor changes and lots of new gifts from everybody for the little Princess. Along with all of her new things, she gets to inherit a lot of her big brothers things, which I am sure he would be so proud to pass on to her.

Now all Anna needs to do is get strong and healthy so she can come home and see all the wonderful gifts she received from family, friends including Arthur's coworkers who are all so anxious to finally meet the little munchkin!

One last video before ending the post. This one is of Anna exercising her cheeks :) Turn up the volume on this one, she has a really strong sucking reflex for a negative 2 month old! Not to mention the crankiest expression ever! Adorable!

Marta & Arthur

1 comment:

  1. Looks good! Just missing the dirty diapers and baby toys all over the ground :)


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