Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Life of the (Preemie's) Brain

I'm always wondering if Anna is aware of us or her surroundings, when she will be able to see, if she can hear us or distinguish our voices.

I found this article from the Star on the preemie baby's developments. I'll just highlight a few tidbits but you can find the full article at (it's a pretty long read).

It states that "a preterm infant can hear at 26 weeks and smell at 29 weeks, and has developed the ability to see by 32 weeks. A fetus will withdraw from pain at 19 weeks, and the neuronal connections needed for a fetus to understand that something hurts are in place by 28 weeks. And by 32 weeks after conception, a fetus has defined sleep states, including deep, REM sleep.

Last year, researchers from the Netherlands reported that 30- to 38-week-old fetuses have short-term memory, evident in the fact they habituate to a vibrating, honking device. When first exposed to the device (it was placed on the abdomens of pregnant mothers), the fetuses squirmed and their heart rate went up. Ten minutes later, the fetuses did not react to the noise. They also showed little reaction when exposed to the noise after four weeks had elapsed.

Studies like these and his own experiences in neonatal wards have convinced Lagercrantz that preterm infants can lay down memories, a sign of consciousness.

“I think they do have short term memory,” he says, “but very primitive. They are not thinking of what something costs or planning for the future.”

Interesting stuff!

Marta & Arthur

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