Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Just cruising along...

Anna is still very stable and is doing really well! She was in a bit of a bad mood today, it was cute seeing her cranky. I'm sure it won't be so cute at 3am every night but hey, we still can't wait! :)

We didn't get many videos of her today, seems like we've been having new nurses the last few days and they don't really know our routine so they do their own thing while sort of putting us on the back burner a bit. It can get quite challenging and anxious dealing with so many different nurses especially when you have a new one every other day and they all have their own style of nursing. You can also tell which ones Anna likes, I sense that if she's had a few bad nurses in a row manhandling her then she might be a little put off by it and become cranky.

Nevertheless she is doing fantastic and is still cycling off of si-pap every 6 hours. The nurses said that she's handling that really well, with no problems at all. Hopefully tomorrow they might wean her a bit longer. We are so excited to finally have that giant breathing tube off of her for good one day!

Right now things have leveled off a bit in terms of progress, but better to be slow than for her to have to take 2 steps backwards because she gets too tired.

Marta & Arthur

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