Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

She's Getting Bigger!

So it looks like there's an upward trend in Anna's weight gain. Today she weighed in at 1070 grams (2lbs 5oz) which is really great! It's a gain of 23 grams overnight. She is still on 14mL of milk every 2 hours, I didn't ask why they haven't upped it. But my guess is because they want to get her breathing under control first. The one nurse mentioned that their motto is "breathing first; eating second".

So speaking of breathing, they also reduced some of her gases in preparation for c-pap and apparently she's tolerating it well. Not sure when they will try to wean her off of the tube for good but it's any day now so it's kind of exciting. I hope she is able to do it, I would hate to see her re-intubated yet again for the 5th time. So everybody, send some positive thoughts/wishes Anna's way so that she knows she has a crowd of people cheering for her!!

We didn't go to the hospital today just so that we can catch up on some household things and sleep. So I'll post a video and pic from the visit yesterday instead. We'll definitely be there tomorrow, it'll be her 30 week gestational/technically 1 month birthday!!! Very excited, we've been waiting for this day anxiously!!

Marta & Arthur

1 comment:

  1. Somebody needs a haircut! Arthur you can take her to your barber for a trim when she's home :) Look at those chubby cheeks you just want to kiss them and squeeze them!


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