Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Big Five-O!

Anna is 50 days old today (7 weeks) and 33 weeks gestation! It's hard to believe that almost two months have passed by because it feels like she was just born last week.

She seems to have surprises for us at every gestational milestone that she reaches. We went in to see Anna today not knowing what awaited us. When we approached her incubator, we found a letter addressed to us on the details of the big move September 12th. Although every incubator had the same letter, I still felt a bit deflated, thinking that we might not make it to a level II before she has to be transferred to the new facility. We just thought she was going to be weaned from si-pap on an 8 hour/4 hour schedule. 8 hours off, 4 hours on. Much to our surprise, this morning at rounds they decided that she will be off si-pap altogether!! No si-pap, no nasal cannula, nothing. Just her breathing away like a big girl! So off to the shredder that letter goes!! :)

Now, before we get too excited we have to be cautiously optimistic that she might get too tired. After all, these things are trial and error. If we don't try, then we don't know whether she can or can't do it. Lets hope it's the former because (and here's the big shocker--drum roll please); if she does well off of si-pap for about 2-3 days, then she will be transferred to a level II finally! Yup, as easy as that. Hard to believe, but if she is able to do this all by herself then she could be in a level II as early as this weekend. This is why I say we must stay cautiously optimistic because it just sounds too good to be true. But hey, let's all hope for the best and of course we don't have doubts that she will be able to do it eventually! If she's not ready now, then I don't doubt that she will be shortly thereafter.

She also surprised us with her incredible growth in the last two days. She now weighs in at a whopping 1614 grams which is about 3lbs 9oz and she is gaining steadily. Her milk is still at 22mls every 2 hours, however, because they decided today to put her back down to 1 hour feedings they probably won't be increasing her feeds for another couple of days. She seems to be doing well with being on one hour feeds though (if you recall they increased it to 90 minute feedings because of some desaturations due to reflux that she was having). The nurse repositioned Anna's feeding tube through her nostril as well. Apparently this is better for them but she mentioned that she wouldn't have done that if she thought Anna would be back on si-pap any time soon. So that's a good sign that they mean business!

So lots of big things happening for little Anna today! Lets all keep our fingers and toes crossed that she will be able to stay strong so she can finally ditch that nasty si-pap machine for good! :)

Here she is saying hi to everyone:

Here she is having some cuddles with Daddy today:

Marta & Arthur

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing news!! Thinking positive thoughts for you guys this week that Anna does well breathing on her own! Fingers crossed for you!! Go Anna Go!

    Thanks again for sharing this with me! :-)


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