Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Quick Update - Part Deux

Ok, so I managed to get a couple of shots on to the computer without bringing out the hammer.

This picture is from when I was able to hold her without the si-pap on. She did a few smiles and winks at us, but we think she was just taking a poo. :)
It's really hard to believe that they can't see yet this early. She fools us, that's for sure!

Here's daddy doing a diaper change and surprisingly Anna is tolerating the changing well! Although she did try and kick and push him away as soon as he was putting the new diapey on. :) She really just likes to be "free as a bird" and let it aaaall hang out!

Here she is si-pap-less again, breathing like such a big girl! Later on, once the nurse put the si-pap back on her, she kept trying to push it off her face and moving her head around trying to show Mommy and Daddy that she really can do it on her own. (That tube in her mouth is her feeding tube which she gets all her milk through. At this age she hasn't developed the swallowing reflex yet).

PS - she REALLY is a Daddy's "mini-me" isn't she? :)

1 comment:

  1. She looks more and more like her dad every day. Such a big girl now, she already looks bigger now in your arms than she did the last time. She's still kicking during her diapey change that's a good sign she is doing well. Can't wait to see her tomorrow!!


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