Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Monday, August 30, 2010

T-minus 3 Days??

So I had a little chat with the charge nurse today and rumour had it that the eye doctor would be coming in to the NICU either today or September 1st. We initially weren't sure which day he would come in but it is now definitely Wednesday, September 1st. They don't like to move babies after an eye exam so the earliest she would be transferred is Thursday of this week, pending the bed, and ambulance transfer, yaddi yaddi yadda etc. It's all a big coordinated dance number, and everything has to coincide perfectly for the transition to be smooth.

I also spoke with the charge nurse and let her know that when we go in to see Anna tomorrow we can try to feed her by mouth. We have been having such a struggle with this as some nurses don't feel comfortable and refuse to give us the opportunity to feed her and some advocate for us explaining that we should have already started feeding her by mouth. I just couldn't handle the flip-flop attitudes of everyone so I decided for Anna. If she doesn't take it that's fine, if she does then that's great too, but if we don't try we will never know.

In any case, we will go on with Level III NICU life as it is and as we have for the past 8 weeks. I can't believe 8 weeks have almost gone by and I look back every day at the incredible changes Anna has gone through to get where she is today.

She is now up to 1797 grams which is 3lbs and 15oz and it really shows (what a big girlie!!):

Marta & Arthur


  1. I got to pinch those chubby cheeks finally :) What a good little girl she is. I was saying today it's amazing how unconditionally trusting these little babies are hoping that everyone who handles them will be loving and gentle. She just completely relies on her cuteness. I love watching her little expressions she already has so much personality. It's hard to remember that she would now be still in her mama's belly and we're not supposed to know how cute she is yet.

  2. I know!! It's so strange to think that she's still supposed to be in my belly. We were just saying today how big I would be considering I was so big at 23 weeks (3 weeks before she was born). I can't imagine how big I would be now...but she would be worth it!! We're so lucky to have her here especially considering everything that has happened in the last 2 years.

  3. She was definitely worth it all. So much worry and heartache but in the end we all love her and appreciate her even more for it. She is one lucky little monkey. And she is at the hospital now but soon to be home with her family and she won't even know how lucky she is to have u guys be her parents she will just think every home is like that :)


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