Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Friday, August 27, 2010

Adieu Mes Amis!

We could not have asked for better timing. On her moms birthday the decision has been made that Anna is ready to be moved to a level II facility. The charge nurse advised us today that they called Oshawa hospital and inquired with respect to availability. It seems that they will have 1 open spot by tomorrow. So it is almost certain that this will happen Saturday August 28th. The time is still to be determined. We spent half a day downtown today, changing the diaper, feeding and holding Anna. She is without CPAP , on 22 CC's of food and gaining enough weight. I have posted a few pictures.

So the plan is that AmbuTrans will come and pick her up tomorrow and they will take her to Lakeridge level II. After 7 weeks of tests, sensors, ultrasounds, brain scans, blood tests and eye exams she finally strong enough to move and she is 1 step closer to coming home.

Anna and her mom had some well deserved quality time together today and now it is time to prepare for the big move. I am sure the next post will include some pictures of the trip. I have to say that the NICU staff at Women's has been absolutely amazing. Anna has profiled herself as a more than excellent patient and some of the nurses actually got attached to her. So we will definitely visit them in their new facility in Sunnybrook hospital.

We realize that this is not the end of the road, but it definitely is a giant leap forward. Anna will be going back to the hospital where she was born. She will be 2 floors above the OR where she was brought to life. It almost seems like it was only a few days ago while in fact it has been over 7 weeks now. When thinking back to that day, we are very thankful for the vast decision of the doctor to operate right away. Thankful for the SickKids Transport Team that made it to Oshawa from Toronto in a miraculously short time frame. And thankful for the 120 nurses and doctors in the NICU for sustaining Anna's life to the point where she is now ready to return to Oshawa. Last but not least, we are thankful for our family and friends that support us through this time. We can't wait to show off our little, diaper filling, smile cracking, (really) soft skinned, little lady. :)

Her is a short video of when Anna was on her moms lap.She was quite observant.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited I could barely sleep I can't imagine how excited u guys must be!! After all this time u guys have been so patient and now finally your little monkey is coming back home. Will be so nice to have her just minutes away no more driving to Toronto!!! :D


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