Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tick Tock!

The clock is officially ticking!! It is now only a matter of hours/days that Anna might be transferred to the Level II nursery. So here's how it works; once Anna is off si-pap for a continuous 48 hours then the staff at Women's College will call our #1 and #2 choices of Level II hospitals to see for bed availability. If there is a bed available then they will arrange for a transfer most likely the day after. However, each day that there is not a bed available they will call back until there is one ready at which point Anna will be packed up and sent off on her merry way :) Just 48 hours! She is already on hour 35 so I presume that by tomorrow at noon (after rounds) they will start calling the hospitals to inquire about beds, providing that she is still stable.

I am still in shock at how quickly everything went. She is doing really well off the si-pap and in fact she is doing so well that today we had a mini-photo shoot with her. Despite being contorted in all different positions, she did remarkably well and I think she might have even enjoyed it a little bit too! :) I know I sure did!

You can really tell how much she has grown in the last few days, she really has ballooned up. The nurse explained today that they were trying to have her lye on her back because the premature babies are mostly on their bellies to help them digest their feeds so this flattens the sides of their heads and gives the impression that their heads are really long and thin. But once she is transferred to a level II crib I presume that she will be on her back more often, therefore allowing her soft little head to bounce back to its regular supple shape.

Anyways, we will keep you updated on any news we receive from the hospital regarding her transfer as soon as we hear anything! Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and rooting for our little girl to get strong enough to come closer to home!

Marta & Arthur

1 comment:

  1. Looks like u will be getting the best birthday present ever! It's like Christmas eve tonight :)


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