Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

4 Generations of Konceseseses

Great Grandma and Aunt made it! It was really wonderful to see so many generations of Konc(z) ladies in one place. Great-G also made some really cute hats and clothes for baby Anna, can't wait for her to be able to wear them!

Anna was such a good girl today, she did really well exercising her lungs today and they are hopeful that she will be completely off of si-pap and on the low flow nasal prongs for good within the next week or two. That's great news because that is the major hurdle left for her to be transferred to a Level II hospital. As most of you know, Sunnybrook/Women's College will relocate as of September 12th. However, we were told today that she will most likely be in a Level II hospital before then. Of course they can never guarantee this since anything can happen between now and then. But judging by her excellent progress so far, they don't have many doubts that she will be out of there soon. No earlier than 2 weeks from now, but no later than 4 weeks either. We are going to start feeding her by mouth sometime next week or the week after so that's exciting too. You can tell that she is just itching to do the work by herself, she is sucking like a champ on her suckie and today she even took some sucrose by syringe as if she's been doing this since day 1; she's telling us that she is ready and willing!

Once she is in a level II, her requirements (other than no health issues of course) are to exclusively eat on her own every meal (so no tubes) and that she not lose any weight. Also, that she does not have any apneas and is able to breathe exclusively on her own.

About 3-4 days before she is ready to leave Sunnybrook, they will phone Lakeridge Oshawa to see what their status is for beds etc. So let's hope that they will be able to take her, that way she will literally be blocks from home. If not, then the next hospital over is Centenary which is in Scarborough. We wouldn't mind that either, after all, anything is closer than driving straight downtown to Toronto.

At the moment she only has issues when she is eating. Apparently it looks like she has some reflux issues which is completely normal with preemies. So when she is at the end of a feeding, she starts to cough because her tummy is full and she is feeling the burn of the reflux a bit. So when she coughs she strains and therefore she has some de-saturations, causing some alarms to go off. But these are definitely not related to her breathing in any way so "technically" her desats are not any cause for pun intended. At the moment they will leave her as is, they are just lengthening the time it takes for her to eat from1 hour to 1.5 hours to see if she can digest the last little bit of food better. She is still on 19ml of food now every 2 hours and has gained some more weight (1336 grams which is about 2lbs 15oz). If her reflux doesn't go away in a few weeks then they will start giving her some meds like Zantac for example.

So big things will be happening for little Anna in the next 2-4 weeks. Everyone, keep your fingers crossed for the little Pumpkin so that she can come home to us soon!

Marta & Arthur

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow 4 generations of Konceseses that is a big day!!! Fingers and double-jointed toes crossed!!!!


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