Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Monday, August 9, 2010

Miss Popularity

Anna was Miss Popularity again today, she had many many visitors from her two Aunts, Grandpa, Mommy, Daddy and student nurses. Just a big-big day for her overall and she handled it like a pro. We also got some cuddle time in again today and she did very well considering we were both hot as ovens. By the time it was done they had to peel her off of me.

She is still doing really great on si-pap, she's on room oxygen level and doesn't have any spells or anything major. She's also still on 15mL of feeds and has a few spit ups now and then but what baby doesn't. She is up to 1157 grams (last nights weigh-in, not sure of tonights weight yet) which is about 2lbs and 9 ounces. I really felt that she was a bit heavier when I was holding her today. Her blood work all came back normal as well which is great!

Arthur spoke with one of the doctors today and she mentioned that pretty soon we will be trying Anna on drinking milk and swallowing it. She said we will probably start trying it at 32 weeks which will be next week!! That's really exciting as it's one of the requirements for her to accomplish to be discharged. It will be very touch-and-go as some babies really can't develop the whole "must suck -- then swallow" reflex that early on but we will see. So far she has outdone herself with everything so I'm pretty sure she will do great with that as well when the time comes.

They also explained how the weaning of the si-pap will go along. That no doubt will come soon as well although that's something that we can't predict how soon. It all depends on Anna's stability. Once it's time to wean her they will do it so that she is off of the machine for just a few hours per day and slowly increase that each time until she is able to come off of it for good. So I think some big things will happen for her development in the next 2-3 weeks.

Here's our little monkey right after her Kangaroo care, very alert and showing off to everyone with big stretches :)

Marta & Arthur

1 comment:

  1. Oh she was so good today and so cute when you were holding her right where she would have been sitting in your belly and she just looked so at ease there and fell asleep. And the best part at the end where she woke up and looked around so alert and curious with her big eyes open wide. She seems to be getting more aware.


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