Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

30 Weeks Gestation!

Princess Anna finally hit the big 3-0! The nurses were so nice, they made her a little card with the imprints of her feet and left it on one of her monitors for us to find.

She is doing really well, her feeds are up to 15 mls per 2 hours and she has gone up in weight up to a whopping 1102 grams! So her weight is steadily going up, which is one of the requirements of her transfer down to a Level II NICU.

Her breathing is better, she is still intubated but her tube has a leak so they left it on her on purpose, to sort of wean her down steadily. Her gases have also been turned down so that she does most of the work now, but in case she forgets to breathe, the tube is there to help her. They said she is still a bit lazy in that she forgets to breathe when she sleeps. And the problem is that she apparently is a deep sleeper. (I don't know where she gets that from) :)

So they're not going to replace her tube, and they're not going to re-tape the leak because her transfer over to c-pap will most likely be soon. Again, they discussed this morning during rounds and decided to just let her stay on the tube for a bit longer. We are anxiously awaiting their decision, but don't want to rush anything either because we wouldn't want to see her re-intubated. Staying on the tube too long can cause long term lung damage, however, being put on c-pap too soon can cause her many short term problems and in the end, re-intubation. Vicious cycle, and it's a really fine line between being ready and not being ready for c-pap for good.

But she is doing really great and steadily getting stronger!

Here's a little video of her gazing around just before passing out. She just had a diapey change so she is very tired from fighting and kicking the nurse so hard not to put a new diaper on...

Marta & Arthur

1 comment:

  1. She's just saying "Stop making all that noise so I can sleep already!" That is so cute!


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