Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

She made it through the eye exam!

The dreaded eye exam is over! Liz and I arrived at 3pm to the hospital where the nurses administered the eye drops and hooked her up to a heart monitor which also displayed her breathing and saturation and she did wonderfully! She was even allowed to eat and she didn't have any reactions at all. Of course the eye exam itself is not much fun for her but she was such a good girl through the whole thing. We're not sure how many more of these she will have in the upcoming weeks, but she is definitely scheduled for another one in two weeks time. The eye doctor said that her eyes are getting stronger and she received an even better score this time than the last four times. So typically they stop the eye exams once the babies reach 40 weeks gestation (Anna is 37.5 and will be almost 40 weeks at her next eye exam) but it is all dependant on the eye doctor's discretion and whether or not she feels that Anna is out of the woods.

Anna was so pooped after the exam that she had a meal at 1am and didn't wake up until I woke her up at 9am this morning to eat. Hmmm...can't wait until those days are here for good! :)  She is eating wonderfully now, about 80-100mls on average per feed. I think in total she has about 16-20 ounces of formula per day, spanned over 7 feeds. She has also gained an incredible amount of weight since this weekend, so she is now 6lbs 1.5 ounces as of this morning (which is just over 2760 grams)!! Looks like she gains about .5 oz each day so at this rate she will be a big girl in no time!

Her demeanor is still the same, she just hangs out and doesn't complain much. But that is expected at this point because she's so little. She really only cries if something significant is bothering her which doesn't happen often.

I finally got in touch with the hearing centre for Anna's follow up hearing test and they informed me that she won't need one again until December when she will be 2 months 'corrected' age and 5 months 'true' age. So I guess we sit and wait, although that doesn't seem right to me so I'm going to definitely bring it up with the Pediatrician. 

Speaking of Pediatrician, we have another appointment for her tomorrow so it will be decided then whether or not she should take anything for reflux. It seems to be under control so long as we don't overfeed her or lye her flat. I found her today 2 hours after her feed, she woke herself and threw up just five minutes after I came into watch why she was stirring. So it's still a bit of an issue but not enough that she's not gaining weight, which is when the real concern would begin.

So not much is happening (hence the lack of posts). Between the long feeds and the numerous doctors appointments, she pretty much just sleeps her days away, maybe has about 2-4 hours of awake time. 

Here's a short video of her today after her bath and lunch trying to doze away into sleepy land:



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