Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Back in Business!

So, after a few days away from the blog, we are back in business! Looks like my cold took a turn for the worse and I was out of commission for a couple of days there. Daddy was super busy taking care of Anna and I so he is pooped I'm sure, and has to face a week of work now. I am really glad to see that Anna is not sick (yet??) though. I know her first cold/flu I am going to be SO worried. Especially because we're not used to her not being content, so when she's upset it's for good reason and can get quite concerning.

As I have been taking a turn for the worse, Anna has actually been blossoming with her feeds and weight gain. She is up to 95ml feeds every 4 hours or so and in total she's eating about 14-15 ounces of formula per day. She has also gained a bit of weight, as of this morning she is 5lbs 4ounces which is great to finally see. I hope the trend continues in the upward direction.

She has an appointment tomorrow morning with the doctor who discharged her (and the same one who checked her after her eye exam). He will check her over to make sure she is not too dehydrated from the diuretic and to check her progress regarding the fluid in the lungs.

The one thing we did notice this weekend is that we think she might have some reflux issues. It looks like we have to keep her upright after a feed for a good 30 minutes, otherwise she'll throw up, arch her head backwards and cry from pain. I'll ask the doctor about this tomorrow, although I suspect he might let it go until she has her first appointment with her full time Pediatrician.

So that's the quick update on the little munchkin, lets all keep our fingers crossed that she's able to stay healthy and flu free as long as possible during this upcoming flu season!

Here she is tonight at midnight, we were waiting for her bottle to warm up, as you can see she gets quite alert before a feed. Wait a bit too long and she might even let out a cry or two :)

Marta, Arthur & Anna

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