Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Friday, September 24, 2010

Reminiscing again...

I was just browsing through all of our media files from when Anna was born and I can't believe how far she's come. It is really hard to watch her earlier videos, I guess at the time I didn't feel sad, I felt happy that she was alive. Now that I look back I feel so sad for all of her hardships, I feel sad that she was ripped off from a normal life in utero and that she had to endure nine weeks of NICU life. Having said that, I am really happy that she's alive, healthy and from what I can see happy as well. That was the only life she knew, but hopefully all that difficult time in the NICU is just a distant memory for her and is replaced with new happy (and easy) life.

She was so tiny, she could fit into Arthur's one hand

I can't believe that a Preemie sized diaper reached her armpits back then
Here she is sucking on a Preemie soother which covered almost all of her face. She could probably swallow that entire thing now...

Here she is today! Although she's only 5lbs and change, to others she is still tiny but she is so grown up and healthy to us! 
Here we are today having some "home-style" Kangaroo care! No nurses, no machines, no breathing tubes, just good ol' fashion lovins'! :) 

Finally! Here she is with Grandpa getting some cuddles today. We waited a long time for this! :)

We still look at her in amazement today and can't believe that she's finally home, here in her own little room, farting and belching as if the last three months never even phased her. :) It's great!


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