Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hit the 5 Pound Mark!

So she finally made it to the 5 pound mark! 5 pounds and 1.5oz to be exact! She was weighed in tonight at 2302 grams which is another jump of 73 grams. She is getting quite hefty and we love it because the bigger she gets the more comfortable we get with handling her.

There is not much new to report, things are going pretty slowly these last few days (at the hospital) and very hectic at home. With Arthur working and us wrapping up things for Anna's unexpectedly early (but welcomed) arrival, there is not much time left for anything else...except a quick midnight blog session of course. :)

She is up to 80 mls of food the last couple of feedings which is a big jump from 60, and even bigger jump from 44mls which is what she was not too long ago. I hope we are able to keep up with her big appetite at home!

All the nurses just love her at the NICU, they even posted a little sticker for her on her cot which reads something along the lines of "Dancing Queen". Apparently she is quite the dancer, and just like the nurses from Women's College, the nurses at Lakeridge seem to think she will be a ballerina or a swimmer, or a gymnast. :) Cute...

Anyways, it looks now that they will attempt to do the car seat test tonight, if not the latest tomorrow night and have her released Saturday at some point in time. I was arranging the nursery and washing her clothes and bedding and realized that it is such a bitter sweet time. As happy as we are to bring her home, it's hard not to think of the wonderful life Liam was robbed of. But knowing how quickly a life is created and then taken from us, makes us cherish every moment with Anna that much more.

We can't wait to have her home...

Marta & Arthur

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