Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Friday, September 10, 2010

Comments for Anna

I hope that one day Anna can read this blog and see her wonderful progress and how supportive and proud we all are of her.

Please feel free to post a comment or a few words so she can read this one day and see what great support she had and how many people were cheering her on while she was fighting to grow strong these few months! :)

(You can do this by clicking on "Comments" at the bottom of this post, and once you finish the comment, click on "Name/Url" to enter your name as you would like it to appear.)

We are all so proud of you, go Anna go!!


  1. Little Anna-Banana!! You will probably read this blog one day and be amazed at everything your parents went through. We always said you were a little fighter and we knew the day would come that you would finally come home. I always say to your mom that your life was a gift from Liam and we will always think of him when we look at you. He must have been looking out for you because he knew how much they love you and worry about you. I hope that you will stay healthy and happy and give your mom and dad lots of beautiful memories to look back on one day. We love you very much and can't wait to give you lots of cuddles and kisses!!! Xox

  2. September 11, 2010

    To Anna Meerdink on .....Anna's day

    It is said that some things in life are worth waiting for, and that it is best to be patient
    for good things will come those who wait....You little Anna are a fine example of that thought
    as many have watched and waited for this day to arrive .....your home coming day.

    But for every person who must be patient Anna there are just as many who cannot be patient you and I ...we have that in common ....we are both not good at
    waiting. You showed us how impatient you are by deciding to arrive in the world a little earlier than expected Perhaps you thought that all the little parts of you were all in the right places so why wait to come out and join the world ... and give everyone a big surprise at the same time.
    And what a surprise you turned out to be on July 7, 2010 all 950 grams of you...a beautiful miniature person.... with a very proud mommy and daddy.

    Perhaps you thought that the earlier you arrived the sooner you could go home. But instead of a short few days stay in the Ohsawa hospital, as you had planned, they wisked you off to the Torornto ...for closer inspection....You may have been quite happy to pop out at 26 weeks ...but the doctors and nurses were not amused.
    You probably did not bank on the 6 week stay in Torornto....the room they gave you was a little small but toasty warm...I am sure you could have done withoiut the wires and tubes....we did not like to see them either. But it seemed that as nice as the nurses and your little room were you did not wish to stay any longer than needed and passsed all your tests with flying colours so you could return to your birthplace in Oshawa for a quick stay and check up prior to going home on this day ....the day you got tp go home .....8 weeks after you had planned to.

    At home you will have no shortage of playmates with 3 cats and a dog all eager to see what you are all about. You have your very own room and all the clothes and playthings a little girl could want.

    There are also a few other wonderful surprises that await you in your Oshawa home ...they are called mommy and daddy, great grandma, oma, grandpa, opa and all your aunts and are as much a surprise to them as they will be to you.....and they all love you and wish you all the best. And that is the wondereful part of coming home Anna. Your home is a place where you will always feel safe and cared for and cared about.....Some people think a home is made of wood and bricks ....your home is that way ....but your home is also made out of........ love ...the love of your mommy and daddy have for each other .....and the very deep love they have for you ....just because you are you and because you are here.

    One day Anna you and all those you love will come to your house and watch a movie with pop corn and treats. The movie is a special one about a little girl who gets lost on her way home and meets a wizard that helps her find her way. We are so very happy that you are home at last Anna ......and you should always remember as the little girl in the movie found out ......there is no place like home....there is no place like home.

    Love Opa and Oma.


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