Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Monday, September 20, 2010

Crunch Time

I'm not going to lie, I'm finally starting to feel the crunch. It just seems like there's not enough hours in the day most days. With Anna having reflux issues, and it taking about 1 hour each time she has a bottle, I'm spending about 12 hours out of 24 feeding/holding her upright. That doesn't leave much time in between for sleep, cleaning (as you all know I'm a freak with this so that's been tough to let go of), eating, sterilizing her bottles, mixing her formula or anything else. I really have to invest in some sort of a sling so I can carry her around while I do things around the house.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE hanging out with her and just holding her while her tummy settles. Today, I just hugged and kissed her so much, and couldn't believe that we have her here. I can't believe how many people mistreat babies/children of their own when they are such a blessing to have. I have this strange but nice ticklish feeling in my stomach when I hold her, this feeling that I'm complete, that nothing else matters in the world, and just utter love that you have never felt before.

So yes, as sleep deprived as I feel, as dirty as our house is, as much as I don't accomplish during the day, it's still all worth every second of it for her.

Anyways, finishing my sob story, let's move on to the events of today. We visited the doctor who had been looking after Anna during her stay in the Oshawa NICU. The prognosis is good; he didn't hear any fluid in her lungs but he would still like for her to finish the remainder of her prescription or let her Pediatrician decide on Thursday whether or not she would like her to finish it. He also didn't order any blood work because she didn't look dehydrated or ill, again leaving it up to the Pedi on Thursday. He weighed her and got the same number we had at home, 5lbs 4oz which is good. He said just to keep up with her feeds and not let her go too long without eating. At one point he did hook her up to a mini monitor to quickly check her vitals. He was really pleased, her saturations were good, and her heart rate was good. So he said that the issues we had after she had her eye drops were just from that; the eye drops. That was really reassuring to hear, but needless to say we are SO nervous for the next eye exam!!

So that's the story for today, the little munchkin is starting to be more and more alert each day. Today she was awake for a full 4 hours! We did some tummy time, some gym time and some "stare at random things" time. It almost looks like she can see some things now, she really tries to focus on objects. I'm still curious as to where she is supposed to be development wise; where a 3 month old is, or where a newborn would be at this point. These are some of the the things we'll have to discuss with the Pediatrician on Thursday.

Here she is during her awake time today, she was just staring around her taking in all the sights and sounds:

(PS - she may or may not think her name is Monkey :) woops!! )


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