Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Friday, September 3, 2010

2 Kilograms, Yeah Baby!

She did it!! She reached (and exceeded if I might add) 2 kilograms! She is now 2029 grams which is about 4lbs and 7.5oz. What a big girl!

And no wonder, she is now having 43mls of milk every 3 hours and tolerating them quite well. The great thing is (although I don't have pictures of this) that she took her first bottle today! She had a full 15mls of milk by bottle and she did it so well. We weren't sure if she got tired so we hooked her feeding tube back up to continue her feed through her NG tube and she burped a real big one and then she started looking for the bottle again. So I think she would have definitely had more milk by bottle if offered. So maybe tomorrow we will try her on a bit more. The nurse and I were both amazed at how well she did the whole "suck swallow breathe" thing. We knew she had it in her all along!! What a little trooper!

This little trooper apparently has made quite the name for herself in her new home. The nurses call her "Little Houdini" because they settle her in all nice and comfy and 20 minutes later she appears at the other end of the isolette, facing in a different direction, upside down, inside out, legs all over the place, you name it. :) The nurses have no idea how or why she does it but I think it's because she's trying to tell us "Look at meee! I'm ready to go home!!".

As you can tell, we are still in "isolation mode" but we did receive a few results back and we were able to get rid of the uncomfortable face masks so that's great news. So, slowly as this isolation bit ends, we will start to visit her more often and get more involved in her care. Hopefully she'll have that tube out of her nose in no time!

Hangin' out with Daddy:
Here is Miss Anna getting her nightly weigh-in (and fighting through the whole thing!):

Marta & Arthur

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow what a big girl!!!!! I am so proud of her!!! She looks just like her dad but she's feisty like her mom! Can't wait for her to be tucked in at home soon!!!


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