Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Friday, September 24, 2010


Nothing much new to report lately. Now that she is off the machines she's able to just relax and sleep most of her days away. I try to videotape her when she's awake and alert but most times it's only because she is hungry so it's just a fine (2-5 minute) line between "awake to screaming for food". :)

Yesterday, while she was awake I tried to test her hearing. I'm not sure, I'm still a bit confused as to whether or not she really can hear out of her left ear. It looks like she had an easy time looking to the right when the rattle was to her right but when it was to her left it took her a while to clue in. So she might have just been looking to the left because she saw a shadow of something.  I've been trying to book a hearing test for her since last week. I've been playing phone tag with the lady who books these as she never answers the phone; only has voicemail. Whenever she calls me back, I'm either at an appointment with Anna or feeding her and not able to pick up the phone. So hopefully one day we'll be able to connect and set this thing up for Anna before the crazy cold weather and flu season starts.That way we can also eliminate the curiosity of whether or not she is able to hear in the left ear.In any case, she seemed amused by the rattling noise, we can't wait until she is able to reach for them and play with them:

The other thing we've noticed with her lately is that she has much more strength in her legs now. When she is doing tummy time it almost looks like she tries to kick herself upwards, like a crawl but not so much. Here is a video of what I mean:

It's difficult to tell where she will be in terms of development. I am just amazed at things she can do now because she is not supposed to be born yet. We don't take a single day for granted with her. Every little thing that might be the norm with a full term baby is a huge accomplishment for her and she amazes us tremendously on a daily basis. :)


PS - Blogspot is doing some redesigning and it's really messing with the formatting of the blog. My apologies for the jumbled look.

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