Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Monday, October 4, 2010

Anna's Ex-birthdate!

Today was the day that Anna was supposed to be born! October 4th in the morning sometime. Unbelievable. What a long journey for this little fighter. It's hard to imagine that she would still be inside of me until today, I feel like she is so big. I don't realize how little she is until I take her out to run errands once in a while and people stop me to tell me how tiny she is. The little monkey would have been 38 weeks and 3 days gestation, the same age that her big brother was when he was born.

She still pretty much acts like a newborn, sleeps most of the time with the exception of 2-3 hours a day of 'alert' time. She also still rarely cries, only when she is hungry, so she still has such a lovely demeanor. She's just overall very content and loves being held. 

But Anna is doing well, she eats like a little champion now, I'm almost scared at how much she can eat most days. She is up to 20 ounces a day, which is around 600 mls. I have a little pamphlet from Enfacare and it outlines feeding habits of newborns. It stated that around 1 month of age a newborn would be eating around 680 mls per day. So she is doing pretty good, even ahead of the game a little bit.The only thing we have issues with is that she has very dry skin and has reactions to lotions. Today she has a nice rash on the side of her face because she had a bath which meant lots of lotion. We've tried a couple of non oil based lotions and even a few drops of olive oil in her bath water but she seems to always get a reaction. So it's a line we have to choose...dry skin or rash/zits.

The other thing we noticed lately with her is that she is able to hold her head up by herself. It's still wobbling a lot so we always have to keep support handy but it's amazing how much she has changed in one week. And no wonder, the little girl is now 6 pounds and 10 ounces as of today so she is slowly getting strong.

Most of her appointments are done, she will have at least one  more eye exam, and she will have one more pediatrician appointment on October 15th, after that she will have monthly appointments for her RSV shot. Then the last few things will be the follow up with Women's College and her hearing test, both in December.

Speaking of December, we are SO anxious to put the Christmas tree up and celebrate with Anna. We have been waiting so long to share Christmas as a family with children, it almost seems unreal that we are finally able to do it. I don't think a day goes by where we aren't grateful for her little presence.

Here is a video of the little munchkin yesterday showing off to the camera. The video is cropped but in the rest of the movie it's obvious that she follows the camera around with her eyes and loves the attention. :) I think she may or may not be a star in training!


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