Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Anna had such a good day today! She had nice cuddles from Daddy and then she had her Auntie visit later on as well. We brought in some clothes for her to wear so from here on she'll be wearing only clothes from home. The nursing staff will make a note on her isolette and we will be responsible for bringing in new outfits and washing her dirty ones. It's really nice to finally be able to see her in all her little clothes that have been waiting for her since I was pregnant. It gives you a little control and feeling of parenting in this crazy whirlwind of the NICU lifestyle.

The other good news is that Anna's feedings have really taken off today. She had two tries at the bottle during the day where she took 15 mls each time, slowly but surely! However, tonight the nurse called us at home to let us know that Anna had her first FULL bottle of 44mls at her 9 o'clock feeding, and all in 15 minutes!! She was so amazed that she had to call us right away. She also made a note on the nurse's chart that Anna is to only have slow flow nipples (as we have been advocating for a while now). But it's so nice to finally see our wishes/thoughts/gut feelings play out in real time. She did wonderfully so hopefully she will be able to take a full bottle again tomorrow.

Speaking of full bottles, Anna now weighs 2100 grams on the dot, so it's only a matter of time before she is put into a crib! We think she will respond much better once she's in a crib since they will able to swaddle her with blankets (that way she won't crawl around as much). We, along with the day nurse, have a suspicion that she's crawling around her incubator a lot right now because she was so used to being swaddled at Women's and they don't swaddle her here at Oshawa because her incubator temperature is so much higher.

So all in all, a big and very successful day for Anna!

Here we are having some fun with her while she sleeps. It's just a quick snip-it taken with her Aunt's Iphone. Yes, many more torturous days await Anna when she comes home! :)

Marta & Arthur

1 comment:

  1. She had her full bottle???!!!!! Wow!!! I guess the low flow did the trick!! Good girl!


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