Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Just another day in Level II....

Anna had a long day of squirming and trying to crawl out of her incubator again today! :) She just won't take no for an answer. Apparently all the nurses are saying we're going to have a feisty redhead on our hands here. She is quite the talk of the NICU already!

She will be out of her incubator soon enough though, I spoke with the nurse today and apparently she says most babies leave between 36-38 weeks gestation. Anna will be 35 weeks this Wednesday so that's really a nice thing to hear. She also will be put in a crib at the NICU once she reaches 2500 grams. Which is not really that far away since at today's weigh in she was already 2054 grams which is about 4lbs 8oz. I can't believe that she's almost 5lbs!

I also can't believe that she's having baths every other day now! She HAAATES baths but that's what makes it that much fun. :) Who doesn't love to watch a little cranky baby getting a bath? And let me tell you, she was SO cranky today! Cute...

We tried Anna on the bottle again today, she wasn't as interested today because she was working on some gas, both down yonder and up north too. But I think she managed to eat 10mls which is still pretty good. It seems slow at this point but one day it will all just click for her and she will just get "it".

The other thing is, I casually asked the nurse if they are still applying the butterfly pillow for her and she said absolutely. Apparently they are not worried about the shape of her head at this point the way they were at Women's College. The nurse mentioned that as she grows bigger and she's held more and has more tummy time, her head will mold itself back to a more round shape. So no worries there...phew...the Nurse Practitioner really had me worried about the long term consequences of lying on the sides of her head all the time.

So that's all the news from today, will keep you all updated on her feeding progress. I'm really excited because these last couple of weeks will just fly by. Next week we have the car seat clinic, and the week after she might slowly be ready to come home. Can't wait!!

Here's a couple of videos of Miss Cranky Pants from today (the nurses were kind enough to let us use our camcorder today):

Marta & Arthur

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