Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My First Day as a "Stay-at-home-mom"

Lots of fun today! Anna and I spent the day getting to know each other and learning a new routine together.

We're trying to get her to eat a bit more since it looks like as of this morning she is still only about 4lbs and 16oz. We called the NICU and they basically said to try and make her eat more, but that she is probably fine so long as she is peeing and pooing a normal amount. I don't know what normal is at this point because she is on a diuretic medication which means exponential diaper changes. But since she won't eat more during a feed, I've decided to increase the number of feeds she gets instead. This means that Miss Princess has to be woken up sometimes every 2 hours and other times she just wakes herself up after 3-4 hours and talks to herself in the crib for a while...or well I should say 'grunts' to herself.

She is such a pleasant baby and she still rarely cries unless she is cold or hungry. Except last night she did let out a few whimpers so I picked her up and all the little girl needed was a good burp and a warm cuddle and she was back to sleep in no time.

We had some tummy time today and she is quite strong! But we knew that already when she tried to literally walk away in the NICU at Women's a few times. :) She also tried out her baby gym today but she wasn't too interested since she can't even see as little as a newborn baby yet.

I'm not sure where she is supposed to be developmentally at this point since she is technically only 36 weeks gestation. But soon enough she will start doing the typical newborn things so it'll get easier to guess what we can and can't do in terms of stimulating her senses.

So we both survived our first day together and there will be many more to come! I can tell she missed Daddy's cuddles though but he is so good, he still gets up to feed her in the early AM for some bonding time (and so I can catch a few zzz's).

Here is a video of Anna on her baby gym today:

Marta & Arthur

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