Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just truckin' along...

Anna had her very first Pediatrician appointment today! It went really well, we covered all sorts of things that I have been (as a mother) wondering and worrying about the last two weeks.

First thing's first, she checked for fluid in her lungs and yes as Dr. A had mentioned, she is all clear! But she would still like to keep her on the diuretic until the next eye appointment passes; which should be sometime next Tuesday or Wednesday, however we have still not received a call from the NICU regarding this so I will have to follow-up with them.

She also had her head ultrasound yesterday which I 'think' went well. You never know with those technicians as they are not allowed to tell you anything. But we should have the results in by next week to the Pediatrician's office.

I brought up the issue of her possible reflux and the doctor agrees that it sounds like she has reflux which is very common in young babies and even more in premature babies. We will monitor it for one more week and if it's still there, then she will go on Zantac to control the acid. This reflux makes it quite difficult sometimes with her feeds and having to keep her upright for long periods of time (not to mention the fun projectile vomiting). It can't be too comfortable either for the poor little wee. In any case, she was not too concerned as long as Anna is gaining weight and still eating. Which reminds me, she is up to 5lbs 5oz!

She also checked her head shape and it looks like the plagiocephaly is not there anymore. The pediatrician just noted that she has a typical preemie head, which is long in shape for now because of 9 weeks of lying on her sides constantly. But she is not concerned over that and encouraged that she will grow out of this.

She was also very impressed with how alert Anna was. For a baby that was not to be born yet, she is doing really great! The doctor explained to me how we will be referring to Anna's age from here on for medical and developmental purposes. So as soon as we pass her original due date of October 15th we can start using this new method. For example, November 15th she will be 4 months 'true' age, and 1 month 'corrected' age. It's really tough explaining to strangers her true age though. (Every appointment we have been to lately, strangers are constantly stopping to take a look at her and of course, they all think merely by her size that she was practically born yesterday. Although very repetitive, it sometimes makes for an interesting conversation piece. I have never spoken to so many strangers as I have in the last week or so. :) It's nice hearing that almost everyone knows of someone who was born early and has no health issues and are doing really well).

Anyways, speaking of November, Anna will start  her monthly RSV shots in November. RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus which is "a common respiratory virus that infects virtually all children before age two. The virus usually causes mild "cold" symptoms but, in some infants at risk, can cause a life-threatening illness". So it basically presents itself as a cold, and it essentially is. But for babies that are premature like Anna, it can cause severe distress and problems. So the Pediatrician advised that at the first sign of any illness with her, as simple or as non severe as it may seem, we should immediately take her to her office or if that is closed, then to the Emergency. This is to be the routine should this happen up until the end of January. After that, we should be alright in treating her ourselves since she will be old enough and will have been exposed to the vaccine multiple times by then. She didn't want to scare me but she said 90% of infants will contract RSV at least once between the time they are born until they turn 1 year old. 

So that's that...Anna is doing great, she is still such a little angel so we're keeping our fingers crossed that it will last! :) She will be 3 months old next week, can you believe it?? Also, as of tomorrow, she will be 37 weeks gestation which technically means full term. She would have been born October 4th via a c-section at 38 weeks and 3 days gestation. The little trooper...she has come such a long way!! 

PS - Anna if you're reading this one day, thank you for farting so loud in every waiting room we are in :) They are so loud that everybody thinks it's Mommy farting!!! :)


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