Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Sunday, October 24, 2010

"I'm a big kid now!"

Anna has been very busy growing the last few weeks. It's incredible how big she has gotten, and to think she is still less than 10 pounds! I guess when you compare it to how much she has grown from her birth weight, this is a massive size for her. She is slowly starting to outgrow most of her newborn outfits, the same outfits that were far too big when she came home only a month and a half ago. She's starting to fit into size 0-3 month now, and thanks to our friend Stefanie who has handed down a lot of both of her cute daughters' outfits, she has a ton of clothes waiting to be worn!

Speaking of inherited items...Anna has also graciously inherited her Great Great Grandma's bassinet! The history is definitely there, I think Liz mentioned that it dates back to 1905 when her mother and siblings were babies, who then used it for their children, and then passed on to be used with Arthur and his siblings (Inez who was able to use it with her children), and now passed down again to Anna and one day to Arthur's brother Floris and his children.

Here is Anna with Grandma soaking in the history:

So other than that nothing much is new. She will get her second set of immunizations November 12th, as well as her first set of RSV shots (she gets one every month until February for the cold/flu season). We have to be extra careful now taking her out, it's tough having a baby home in the flu season months since I need to run errands but it's just so risky now with everyone coughing. Having said that, both Daddy and I have been sick since Anna's homecoming and she hasn't caught either of our horrid colds. I guess all that pumping did pay off! :)

Anna also had ~what we thought was her last~ eye exam last week when she reached her due date, unfortunately her vision is not up to par yet with a newborn so we have to go back again November 2nd. We will try to reschedule that of course for the next day if possible since that's Liam's birthday, but I highly doubt that will be feasible with the eye doctor. In any case, she did well physically during her eye drops, but she had no change in her results from 2 weeks prior, so that's why we have to return again. Let's hope this eye exam will be her last, I just feel so terrible putting her through that but we know it has to be done for the sake of her vision.

But we will keep everyone updated on any new changes or developments. So far Anna is acting just like a newborn still, she is almost 2 weeks corrected age so she is exhibiting whatever is expected of a 2 week old baby. She's able to hold her head up quite well but not much change since a few weeks ago. She's eating about 130mls per feed, every 3-4 hours and sleeps most of the day away up until recently. She will go three hours fully awake, eat and then pass out for three hours, then wake up again to eat and stay awake for three hours. It makes it hard to get much done around the house but if it means she'll sleep through the night longer, then I'll take it! :)



  1. Is monkey wearing jeans?? Cute!!!!

  2. Yeah, they are actually stretchy pants made to look like jeans :)


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