Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mommy Time


When we walked into the NICU today we noticed a few new things. First, Anna is now "IV-free"!! They removed the pick line out of her arm and the only line that goes in to her right now is the milk-line in her stomach. So no more Minerals, vitamins, fat etc. She is all topped up and good to go on just milk. She is up to 10 ML/CC of milk and might go to 12 ML/CC every 2 hours by the end of this weekend which is the full feed for her age and weight.

As mentioned before she likes the soother and I have attached a short video. But the big news is that baby and mom got some bonding time today while the nurse changed the bedding in the incubator. (Picture attached) You can clearly see how little she is still, but I can tell that she has grown in the past 2 weeks. She has her eyes open more often and she waives her arms and legs in the air when it's time for the diaper change.

So with no medication, no IV, almost full feeds, the thing that really needs to improve now is the breathing. Right now she is taking advantage of the ventilator doing all the work for her, but at some point she will have to do it by her self again and build up that lung strength.

So today was a good day and the girls got some quality time together :)


  1. Omg!!!! That's great news!!!! She looks so nice and healthy!!!!

  2. She looks like Maggie Simpson :)


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