Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Diapey Change

Well...I think we have a live one on our hands here. Not sure how this will go along once she's home but you can pretty much tell she hates diapers already. I have a feeling she's going to be one of those babies who run around naked all the time. A "free spirit" if you will.

I attached a video where she's literally pushing me off of her once I start putting on her clean diaper. She had no problems letting me take the dirty one off though. :)

She is still doing well, they tried her on c-papp again yesterday because her tubes weren't staying in right but she wasn't handling it well so they re-intubated her. I was a little off on her weight, she is 930 grams. She isn't gaining as much as they'd like so I think they're supplementing her with more calories. I offered to eat more fatty foods but I don't think that'll do the trick...oh well I tried. She is up to her full feeds at the moment, 12 ml every 2 hours so that's good and I think she's tolerating it well based on her earlier woo.

She also had a red eye today that wasn't there yesterday. The nurse said sometimes they see this, it could be from irritation so she'll keep a close watch on it. It's weird, she kind of looks like a mini Rocky right now. Maybe she had a fight with one of the nurses. :)

All in all a good day, I can't wait until she's a month old. She would be 30 weeks gestation and that's a big hurdle. I just really wish she would get the breathing worked out.

Here's our little pumpkin-butt sleeping...

1 comment:

  1. Oh pumpkin!!! I can't wait to see the diaper change I'm behind on my bideos. Have to go to apa's to watch. She is getting cuter by the day!!! She will definitely be running around buck naked!! I can see it already running around with the dog in the backyard :)


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