Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Guess Who Turned One?

  Three Little Birds / Elizabeth Mitchell 

One year ago, on July 7th, a beautiful girl named Anna was born. Incredibly, this past year has just flown by and with the amount of growth and progress our little girl has gone through, one can't even tell she was born 14 weeks early. We are extremely lucky that she has had no major issues this past year and by the strength and intelligence she shows now, we are certain she will thrive in her coming years.

She has come such a long way and finally she was able to celebrate this tremendous milestone of turning 1. With no lack of love and attention Anna leaps towards her 2nd year of life with smiles, giggles and an unprecedented eagerness to learn.

As Anna soon starts crawling, walking, talking (and of course occupying herself with innocent mischief) we will be faced with new challenges but we take comfort and pride in the fact that these are challenges filled with enjoyment and prosperity with and for Anna.

From being fed through tubes and unable to breathe on her own a year ago, to eating (and sometimes throwing) mashed potatoes and showing off her own little language to anyone who is willing to listen, she just surprises us every day! There is not a single day that we take for granted. We are immensely proud of our beautiful daughter and we look forward to the future and sharing many-many more years and milestones to come.

Here are just a couple of videos of Anna; the first one was about 2 months ago when she was learning how to roll over and mastering her "monster growl" voice --turn up the volume haha -- and the second one is from a few weeks ago of her playing/babbling. What a difference a few weeks make! 

 Marta & Arthur

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to our not-so-little Anna Banana!! Can't ever imagine a world before that little smile appeared.


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