Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Anna's 9 month Update

Anna had her visit from the nurses today and all good news again! She is developmentally where an 8 month old would be so again, she's not quite where a baby her real age would be, but definitely not in the range of a 6 month old (she is 6 months and 4 days corrected and about 9.5 months old true age) ~ are you as confused as I am?? :)

She is now able to sit by herself for a few minutes, although the reflex to not fall backwards won't kick in for another couple of months. I'm not sure when this happened, it sort of happened really slowly but I really noticed it today when she sat unassisted for almost 5 minutes without tipping over!

She's not crawling yet, nowhere near actually, that's the only thing she is a bit delayed with -- the tummy time part of it anyway (again from the weakness in her arms/chest but that's nothing new). So we'll just keep practicing and hopefully one day she'll stop hating tummy time and get stronger and stronger!

She is eating big girl rice cookies and bread, along with her purees that we make here. The nurse even suggested we start giving her smaller things to eat/play with because her pincer reflex has already developed (that's a 9 month old milestone!). Another big milestone is her banging things, it represents something about her being aware of object permanence. They also showed us how to practice some things with her so she doesn't become dependant on only using her voice to communicate. This way she will learn that she can verbalize through body language as well, and in the long run this means she will be more independent instead of just crying for someone to do things for her. Cool stuff...I would never know any of this if these wonderful nurses didn't come by every few months!

She also had an appointment with her Pediatrician this week and she is 18 pounds on the dot (8.2kg) and 27 1/4 inches (69.2 cm) --> which is in the 95 percentile range of babies at 6 months old and her weight, well that's off the charts and is more in the range of where a 9 month old would be. But, that means she only gained one pound since her last visit a few weeks back. So she is starting to burn more calories and get more lean since she started sitting and moving around a lot more in the last few weeks. The nurses even commented today on what a long baby she is!

Showing off her new sunglasses!

Taking a break from her busy life :)

I say, start 'em early!

Always laughing at something

Daddy's Girl

Sitting like a big girl in her new highchair :)

Our first meal together at the table
We are so proud of her accomplishments and I can't believe still to this day that she was born at 25 weeks and 5 days and has absolutely nothing wrong with her; physically or developmentally. I am so glad that our biggest problem is what she puts in her mouth, or crying because she is too tired! She came out of this whole ordeal unscathed; she is one strong baby and her big brother was definitely watching over her!


1 comment:

  1. What a big girl!!! So much emotion and expression on her face now! She's like a little flower that is well fed, watered and given lots of love and you can really see how happy she is as she grows!


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