Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Sunday, November 21, 2010

When you're smiling :)

Louis Prima - When You're Smiling

We're having so much fun with the wee munchkin now that she's smiling regularly! I don't know why people miss the baby stage of their kids, well I guess I won't know myself until she's a toddler HA, but I definitely can't wait until she's older and cooing and "goo-goo ga-ga"-ing or hearing her laugh out loud. She's got her Daddy's dimples too so it'll be really nice to see her laughing one day soon! She's already smiling at her mobiles and people's faces every day! 
She's such a big girl now and I can feel that we're slowly reaching those "fun" milestones, and soon we'll even be able to play with her.

Here she is smiling away at her toys:

This weekend was busy busy busy, with all the showings for our house and Arthur busy with work, there wasn't much time left to relax. So needless to say, Monkey had quite the weekend as well, and she behaved like a perfect little munchkin, always content to just "be". 

Anyways we finally got to take her out to the infamous Korean Grill House during our outings this weekend. We've been joking and talking for years about going there one day with our kids and we were finally able to take her! Of course she was out cold the entire time, but it was an enjoyable day for us! Those of you who know us well know what this means to us haha! :)

Here she is working with Daddy on Saturday at his office, (I wasn't kidding, he really IS training her to be a future Global student!!):

Here she is hanging out with our friendly Kitty while having dinner, I can't wait until she realizes what and who cats and dogs are! :)

Here she is just sitting, but I can't get over how cute her little bunny feet are!

 A video of her smiling finally!! We've been trying to catch it on video since she started but she just likes to stare at the camera so much and gets so serious once it's near her that it's hard to capture it. But here she is...there's another surprise in there (mind the compulsive cackling from me at the end):

Here is another video of her being a little piggy:

And finally, her being such a good girl in the car:

We're going to have a long week ahead of us as well!She has another eye appointment this coming week and we hope hope hope that finally it will be her last one!


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