Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Monday, February 7, 2011

Oh how time flies!

Wow, what a difference a month makes! Anna has sure grown, physically and developmentally! You would never think that she was a micro-preemie, born so early. I'm often reminiscing about how small she used to be, not that I miss it, I love that she has some nice drumsticks and a little belly to blow bubbles on. I'm just always comparing because she used to be so frail and I wanted her to grow so badly, now that she is, I'm just really happy to see her thriving.

We visited the Pediatrician today for her RSV shot, she will get her last set on March 4th and then we are done for this season. I hope hope hope that we succeeded in her avoiding getting sick. But I can't speak too soon, there's still a month and a half of winter left to battle through.

In any case, she is doing great and you can tell she's really growing now. She's starting to grab things on purpose (so cute!), she's putting everything in her mouth and I mean everything that lands in her hands. She also watches us eat and drink which the Pediatrician said is a good sign that she is ready for solids. So we will be starting her on the rice cereal soon in a bowl. We did this a few weeks ago just to try it out and she really took to it like a big girl so I'm sure she won't have problems at all.

Here's a few pictures of the big Monkey from recently. Oh and she is now officially 7 months old (3 months and 3 weeks corrected).

Here's a little video of her learning how to laugh :)
