Born July 7, 2010 at 2:01pm

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier,
clothes shabbier, the past easier, and the future worth living for."

Monday, January 3, 2011

Anna's Monthly Weigh In

So, a bit of a misunderstanding with the Pediatrician last time. We were told she was 12 pounds at the last appointment but she was in fact 10 pounds. So this puts her at 13 pounds today which is a healthy weight gain of 3 pounds in one month. She is already fitting very comfortably in 6 month size clothing, and I don't think it will be too long before she reaches the 9 month size. She is almost outgrowing her car seat soon too, a couple of more inches and we'll have to get her a big girl seat. Which means no more click and go for me :) She'll be coming out of the seat every time which is a bit hard at this point because she's still too little to sit on her own.

It's so wonderful to see her growing so big though! Her development seems to be on track as well:

She coos and smiles (and even lets out a few giggles now and then)
She kicks and waves her arms and legs when she is excited
She is able to recognize people
She sees quite far and is able to smile back at you even if you are a few feet away
She is able to follow objects from side to side
She can hold things when something touches her hand or if you put something in her hand, and she has discovered how to bring her fist to her mouth
Although she hates "tummy time" she is very good at it when she tries! Her head control is amazing but she just really dislikes being on her tummy and being frustrated.

But all in all, she is still such a good baby, just has a really nice demeanor and doesn't cry much. Today at the Pediatrician's appointment she was such a good girl when she received her shots. Now she will only have 2 RSV shots left for the season (until March) and then she will get her regular baby shots again when she reaches 1 in July.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that she doesn't get sick this season. We are washing our hands every time we come home from the store or appointments and trying to be very careful not to get sick.

So that's all that is new, here are a few pictures from today before her appointment. :)